I feel happy to be putting ideas into motion and "pen to paper" so to speak. Yesterday I wrote up an outline for the proposed Menu - list of wellness services, membership packages, student specials and more, plus a mock up of the calendar for November 2019 - what events would be offered at what time, who could work desk which day, when massage can come in, different workshops. I feel really excited to see it come together as a design. I can see it beautifully and have faith that the people and space and magic of it all will fill and filter in as time progresses.
I've set up a meeting with a small business advisor who is also a former client and friend. My goal is to have a well thought out plan on Tuesday to give her a good idea of what I'm working with. My biggest concerns right now are being able to find a space with a rent that is actually affordable so that my prices can remain affordable for the community.
I have an opportunity to meet with a member of interest at Middlebury College and will put that into action soon. I hope to express my desire of working with the college community through my offerings and space with clarity. We will see where that could lead. It would be very special to have the college's support for this space and encouragement of exploration for the students. I plan to have free events to help support the stressful times that occur during these transitional years!
I've also been alerted of an event to bring together Addison County's business entrepreneurial women in April and added that to my calendar! I feel excited and a little nervous at the prospect of being such a new face in the community and trying to make quite an impact. I hope to do so with ease and respect for what is going on with the other amazing businesses and lives going on around me.
Which brings me to today! International Women's Day!!!!
I've been grateful for the time to reflect on all the different women that have influenced or effected my life and growth in one way or another. Many of the connections I've been making or working with throughout this projects are strong female roles in my life that each have something incredible and unique to offer. I feel so fortunate to have met people around the world and in my own backyard who bring new life into each day whatever way that looks for them. I hope to continue to learn their stories and share my own as we grow together.
Who is influencing you? What kind of energy are you surrounded with on a daily basis? These are some of the ponderings I have as I mindfully notice the people in my life.
This week is also the beginning of lent. A conversation with my mother is what I'd like to leave you with.*Paraphrasing* I asked her what she was giving up for lent this year.
"cursing." she said. She has giving up cursing every year for lent since I've known her.
"But you know, I really don't just want the energy of giving something up. What about taking something on? Adding something more positive and having changes. That is how I feel. Things like taking time with my rosary. Focusing on the people in my life I want to pray for. Doing more."
I thought that was beautiful. I liked hearing about the ways my mom is choosing to celebrate and dedicate a mindful practice of her own through prayer and new morning breakfast shakes.
It seems there is a lot being shaking up this time of year.....what will the next 40 days bring?
-MM <3
