Yes! Sean and I have adopted two 7 months old kittens from Homeward Bound in Middlebury, VT. During my darker days last week, we did anything that could help keep the light lit inside, among walks outside, cuddles, and calls from my therapist, we visited the pet clinic almost daily. We've spoken for years about getting a cat friend for our home and it never felt like the right time or opportunity. The first day we visited homeward bound we visited a number of feline friends but it still wasn't feeling right, then I saw George's face mushed against his container and knew I needed to meet him. The next day we were able to visit with George and found out he had a brother, Franklin, who had been brought in with him! Franklin took to Sean immediately and the rest was cat history. We are in love. It's been 4.5 days and they have pretty much completely adjusted to the home, the worst of it has been trying to get them not to eat my plants and battling a nasty upper respiratory virus. (Vet visit tomorrow, sorry guys!). I'll definitely keep you posted and share pictures of these sweeties from time to time. I am already learning so much from them.
I, too, am a curious kitten! Curious about all that the world has to offer. I'm so glad to be feeling playful and connected to myself and my vision again. Yesterday I met with Kelly to discuss the idea of doing a 2 day pop-up at an event space she is coordinating in town over the next few months. I LOVE her energy, ideas, and excitement over Love, Play Grow. We discussed doing this in May (AHHH) which is WAY sooner than I originally anticipated having everything ready for. I still feel like it is totally doable and invigorating to brainstorm, take action, and start to see results with this project.
I've teamed up with Kate Robinson, a wellness coach who focuses on healing and growing with plants, garden and decor! I'm thrilled to have her green thumb and passionate heart playing a role in the building of this dream.
While some interactions are more happy than others there too are a few conversations of separating ways and shifting focus that feel tough and unresolved. I'm grateful for the opportunity to continue to learn and play through communication and community building in a way that helps me better understand my role and capability (as well as limitations) in conversations. A strong reminder for me this week is that we cannot control how other people receive the information you give nor what they do with their thoughts in their spare time. We can only be aware of how we show up and give of ourselves. I've made a significant effort to be completely transparent with each step of this journey and will continue to do so to the best of my ability.
Life moves us in ways that are mysterious and wonderful, just like kittens!
Love you all!
